Relative Clauses 1        



- vztahuje se k podmětu nebo předmětu HV a blíže jej určuje

Vedlejší věta, která blíže určuje                                               osoby, je uvozená         who, whom, whose 

                                                                                                    věci                                  which, of which, whose

                                                                                                    pro osoby i věci             that

                                                                                                   místa                               where

                                                                                                   čas                                    when

The clerk who works here is very helpful.

The desk which is by the window is his.

He knows something that will interest you.


WHO - vztahuje se k osobám

The man who lives here

People who live in New York

WHOM - používá se po předložce

The manager to whom I have written.


The manager who I have written to.

WHOSE -jehož, jejíž - přivlastňovací pád

The child whose fater died

The students whose teachers are English


WHICH - vztahuje se k věcem

The table which is in the corner

The windows which are open

OF WHICH - přivlastňovací pád - velice formální

The book autor of which is a woman

WHOSE - přivlastňovací pád pro zvířata i věci

The book whose authro is a woman

Zájmeno THAT

THAT - má jen jeden tvar, vztahuje se k věcem i osobám

  • nikdy se před ním nepíše čárka (proto jej nelze použít ve vztažných větách popisných/vypustitelných)
  • nikdy před ním nestojí předložka

Typy vztažných vět

A. VZTAŽNÉ VĚTY NEVYPUSTITELNÉ - nelze ji vypustit protože blíže určuje podstatné jméno, ke kterému se vztahuje a bez vedlejší věty nemá hlavní věta plný význam.

Tyto věty se neoddělují čárkou a vztažná zájmena, která se zde používají jsou who, which, that.

Isn't that the woman who lives across the road from you?

The police said the accident that happened last night was unavoidable

The newspaper reported that the tiger which killed its keeper has been put down.

Have you seen those people who we met on holiday?

You shouldn't believe everything that you read in the newspaper.

The house that we rented in London was fully furnished.

The food was definitely the thing which I enjoyed most about our holiday.


V hovoru lze použít whom místo who když se VZ vztahuje k předmětu HV.:

Have you seen those people whom we met on holiday?

Pokud se VZ vztahuje k předmětu HV - lze jej vypustit.

Have you seen those people (who) we met on holiday?

You shouldn't believe everything (that) you read in the newspaper.

The house (that) we rented in London was fully furnished.

The food was definitely the thing (that) I enjoyed most about our holiday.

POZOR: VZ je předmětem věty . Neopakujeme předmět.

Have you seen those people who we met [them] on holiday?

The house that we rented [it] in London was fully furnished.

The food was definitely the thing I enjoyed [it] most about our holiday.

You were talking to a woman >>> Who was the woman who you were talking to?

My parents live in that house >>> That's the house that my parents live in.

You were talking about a book. I haven't read it. >>> I haven't read the book which you were talking about.


Přepište a vynechte VZ, pokud to lze.

Have you seen those people who we met on holiday?

The house that we rented in London was fully furnished.

The food was definitely the thing which I enjoyed most about our holiday.

Who was the woman who you were talking to?

That's the house that my parents live in.

I haven't read the book which you were talking about.


1. po třetím stupni přídavných jmen

He was the best student that went to oour schoul.

This is the shortest way that will take you there.

2. po řadových číslovkách

He was the first journalist that wrote about this problem.

3. po neurčitých zájmenech - some, any, every, no - a jejich složeninách, po all, much, many, little, few, the only, the same

Yoou can get all that you see here.

This is something that may interest you.

B. VZTAŽNÉ VĚTY VYPUSTITELNÉ - POPISNÉ - dávají dodatečnou informaci, která není důležitá a při jejich vypuštění HV neztratí smysl. VZ zde nelze vynechat a používá se pouze who, which nikdy THAT. Oddělují se čárkou

My brother Tom, who is 21, studies university.

Mr Hill´s wife, whose name is Helen, is a TV reporter.

C. VZTAŽNÉ VĚTY UVOZENÉ WHEN, WHERE - when a where používáme ve VV pro upřesnění času a místa o kterém mluvíme

England won the world cup in 1996. It was the year when we got married.

I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day when the tsunami happened.

Do you remember the place where we caught the train?

Stratford-upon-Avon is the town where Shakespeare was born.

When lze vynechat

England won the world cup in 1996. It was the year we got married.

I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day the tsunami happened.

Urči typ VV

My uncle, who was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.

I have just read Orwell's 1984, which is one of the most frightening books ever written.

We saw the latest Harry Potter film, which we really enjoyed.

My favourite actor is Marlon Brando, who I saw in "On the Waterfront".

We are going back to Venice, which we first visited thirty years ago.

He finally met Paul McCartney, who he had always admired.

He decided to telephone Mrs. Jackson, who he had read about in the newspaper.

That's the programme which we listened to last night.

Kvantifikátory a číslovky se VZ

many of whom - most of whom - one of which - none of whom - some of which - lots of whom - two of which - etc.

She has three brothers two of whom are in the army.

I read three books last week, one of which I really enjoyed.

There were some good programmes on the radio, none of which I listened to.

1. Which word goes in the space?  The mountain ____ we climbed yesterday was the highest mountain in Britain!

which     where     what 

2. In which sentence can you delete who?

The man who lives next to me is nearly eighty.

The man who I saw on the bus is my neighbour.

The man who cleans my windows has gone into hospital.

3. In which sentence can you NOT delete that?

A photocopier is a machine that makes copies of pages.

I've lost the magazine that I was reading.

The film that we saw yesterday was brilliant.

4. What CANNOT go in the space? Julie looked after the injured bird ___ she found in the garden.

(No word is needed here)                         that                          who

5. Rewrite these sentences: Greg bought a camera yesterday. The camera doesn't work.

The camera who Greg bought yesterday doesn't work.

Greg, who bought a camera yesterday, doesn't work.

 The camera that Greg bought yesterday doesn't work.

6. What CAN'T you write in the space? Last week I bought a watch ___ was half price.

that                                 (no word is needed here)                   which

7. Rewrite these sentences. I met a man at a meeting last week. The man was at the party.

The man who I met at the party last week was at the meeting.

The man I met at the meeting last week was at the party.

I met the man, which was at the meeting last week, at the party.

8. Complete the sentence. That's the shop ___ I bought my wedding ring.

where                                         which                          (No word is needed here)

9. Complete the sentence. There's the woman ___ I met last week.

(no word is needed here)


10. Which sentence needs the word who?

Is that the woman ___ Dan was talking about?

Is that the woman ___ you work with? 

Is that the woman ___ lives next door to your grandmother?

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