Present Perfect - Part 1


Present perfect

is formed

have + the past participle of a verb.

I, you, we they have visited                    stažený tvar                 I´ve visited

He, she it has visited                                                                     he´s visited

When we use the present perfect

1          Life experience        when we are talking about our experience up to the present –mluvíme o                                                    zážitcích a zkušenostech za života

I've seen that film before.
I've played the guitar.
He has written three books.

We use 'ever' 'never' once, twice, three times etc

Have you ever been to Montreal?

No, I've never been there.

She's visited Australia three times!

We've never missed a flight fortunately.

Has this team ever won a tournament?

After describing the main life experience with the present perfect, it's typical to give details with the simple past. For example,

I have been to the US. (present perfect)

I was there last year. (simple past)



A: Have you been to                     Madrid, Paris, Munich, Berlin, Warsaw?

B: Yes, I have….                              No, I have not…

A: When did you go there? 

B:  I was there last year.


A: Have you seen                        Titanic, E.T. , The Wizard of Oz , Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Snow White ,                                                      Terminator ,The Lion King ?

B: Yes, I have seen it twice                No, I have never seen it.


A: Have you eaten                        Pizza – Italy, Sushi – Japan, Guacamole – Mexico Paella – Spain,                                                                              Pho – Vietnam, Beef Stroganov – Russia, Moussaka – Greece, Curry – India?

B: Yes, I have….                            No, I have not…

Have you ever smoked a cigar?

Have you ever ridden a donkey?

Have you ever seen a comet?

Have you ever driven a tractor?

Have you ever lost your passport?

Have you ever flown with low cost airlines?

Have you ever slept under the starts?

Have you ever fallen out of bed?

Have you ever broken a mirror?

Have you ever seen a play in the National Theatre?

How many times have you seen the Queen?

How many times have you flown?

How many times have you been to London?

How many foreign countries have you visited?

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