Present perfect Part 3


What is the present perfect unfinished time period?

We use the present perfect tense with this week,

this month,

this year


so far

until now

to say what we've done in an unfinished time period.

For example:

I've spoken to her today.

She's been in Paris this year.

They've been on holiday twice this year.

We haven't had a lot of positive feedback so far.

As long as the speaker considers the time period he mentions (whether today, this week, this month, this year...also tonight, this evening, this morning, etc) to not be over and there may be more opportunities to do the same action.

It is possible to consider today as being over, in which case the present perfect would not be natural.


(Game is in progress): I've caught five passes today (so far or up to now). (You may have more chances to catch a pass.)

(Game is over): I caught five passes today. (There is no chance you can catch any more passes, since the game has ended.

Past Simple

Present Perfect

this week, since Saturday, last May, 2 weeks ago, this weekend, when I was younger, when Neil lived in London, yesterday, last Christmas, Napoleon's life, in 1996, this millennium, your life
in January, when I was a child, this month, 10 years ago, 2 hours ago, this year, today

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