Past Perfect Simple vs Continuous


PAST PERFECT SIMPLE                                      vs                         PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS

PŘEDMINULÝ ČAS PROSTÝ                              vs                         PRŮBĚHOVÝ

Pokud děj byl v době, kdy proběhl jiný minulý děj ukončen, použijeme prostou formu předminulého času.

I had studied before he arrived.            

Učil jsem se, když přijel. (činnost jsem v době jeho příjezdu ukončil)

I had been studying for two hours before he arrived.

Učil jsem se už dvě hodiny, když přijel. (činnost v době jeho příjezdu probíhala už dvě hodiny)


STAVOVÁ SLOVESA                            STATE VERBS

- tato slovesa netvoří průběhové formy časů, proto budou jen v prosté formě, i když je ve větě příslovce času vyjadřující , jak dlouho děj probíhal.


forget, understand, doubt, realize, expect, agree, deserve, think, argue, remember, suppose, imagine, promise, know, mean, believe


like, love, hate, want, hope, care, prefer, adore, wish, dislike


belong, own, have, matter, posses, contain, resemble, cost, seem, need, depend, weigh, fit, involve

Znal jsem ho už pět let, když jsem potkal jeho ženu.           I had known him for five years when I met his wife.

Měli jsme dům roky, když jme ho prodali.                              We had had the house years when we sold it.

----TEST           použijte jeden z  předminulých časů

I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at 8:00. I (try) to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to miss it. By the time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I (have) five cups of coffee and I (wait) over an hour. I had to leave because I (arrange) to meet Kathy in front of the theater.When I arrived at the theater, Kathy (pick, already) up the tickets and she was waiting for us near the entrance. She was really angry because she (wait) for more than half an hour. She said she (give, almost) up and (go) into the theater without us.Kathy told me you (be) late several times in the past and that she would not make plans with you again in the future. She mentioned that she (miss) several movies because of your late arrivals. I think you owe her an apology. And in the future, I suggest you be on time!

Všechna práva vyhrazena 2020
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