Present Perfect Continuous 


Present Perfect Continuous - Předpřítomný čas průběhový                                                      

Tvoření :          pomocné sloveso HAVE / HAS + BEEN + -ing tvar významových sloves

Affirmative                                                Negative                                     Interrogative
I have been living                                       I have not been living                  have I been living?
you have been dreaming                          you haven´t been dreaming      have you been dreaming?
he has been working                                 he has not been working            has he been working?
she has been waiting                                 she has not been waiting           has she been waiting?
it has been flying                                        it has not been flying                   has it been flying?
we have been writing                                 we have not been wriitng           have you been writing?
they have been reading                             they have not been reading       have they been reading?

Předpřítomný čas průběhový vyjadřuje děj, který začal v minulosti a pokračuje v přítomnosti - je nedokenčný a  probíhá UŽ po nějakou dobu - for an hour, for a month, since I was born.....


Děj , který pokračuje z minulosti do přítomnosti a není v dané chvíli ukončen.

V těchto situacích je potřeba použít příslovcí jako - for five minutes, for two weeks and since Tuesday.


I have been living here all my life. Žiji tu celý můj život.

I have been learning English since I was 6. Učím se anglicky od šesti let.

I have been working for this company for 10 years. Pracuji pro tuto společnost už deset let.

Pozor na stavová slovesa - slovesa která netvoří. ing tvary (průběhové časy)

I have had a cold for two weeks.
She has been in England for six months.
Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.

have, be, love - jsou stavová slovesa nelze vytvořit průběhovou formu času, i když příslovečná určení a význam věty k tomu vybízí.


Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous

1. A: How long (be) in Canada?
B: I (study) here for more than three years.
2. I (have) the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
3. I (love) chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a "chocoholic".
4. Matt and Sarah (have) some difficulties in their relationship lately, so they (go) to a marriage                  counselor. I hope they work everything out.
5. John (work) for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. Until recently, he              (enjoy) his work, but now he is talking about retiring.
6. Lately, I (think) about changing my career because I (become) dissatisfied with the conditions at           my  company.
7. I (see) Judy for more than five years and during that time I have (see) many changes in her                    personality. 


1. A: How long have you been  in Canada?
B: I have been studying   here for more than three years.
2. I have had  the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
3. I have loved chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a "chocoholic".
4. Matt and Sarah have been having  some difficulties in their relationship lately, so they have                 been going  to a marriage counselor. I hope they work everything out.
5. John has been working for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. Until            recently, he has enjoyed his work, but now he is talking about retiring.
6. Lately, I have been thinking about changing my career because I have become dissatisfied with      the conditions at my company.
7. I have been seeing Judy for more than five years and during that time I have seen many                    changes in her personality.  

Všechna práva vyhrazena 2020
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